Dental Treatment(Gangnam)

Why dental cleaning is essential? Dental Clinic in Seoul

Gangnam uline dental 2022. 1. 10. 18:11

Among the patients who visit Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic, unexpectedly, there are quite a number of patients who come to the dental clinic with periodontal disease causes by a bacterial or tartar.



If tartar is firmly attached to the tooth surface, it is difficult to manage it by brushing alone, and if left unattended, it can lead to tooth loss as well as gum due to inflammation.


If you received treatment using an ultrasonic device under the guidance of dental help in accordance with the tooth scaling cycle, you can manage dental plaque and tartar that can cause various oral diseases. It can prevent oral diseases as well as maintain healthy gums and teeth.



In addition, in the case of scaling treatment, insurance coverage has been expanded, which has the advantage that many people can receive it once a year without financial burden. With insurance it will cost around 15,000krw.



Therefore, taking care of your teeth according to the scaling cycle is the most basic treatment to keep your oral health. If you do not brush your teeth properly after eating in your daily life, various bacterial including food debris are continuously formed on the surface of your teeth. Over time, it gradually turns into tartar. 


In the case of tartar, it is very fatal to oral health because it continuously emits toxins from the inside of the patient's mouth. If the gums continue to swell or bleed even with a small stimulus, this may indicate an early stage of periodontal disease caused by tartar.



Of course, as with any disease, in the early stage above, only mild treatment is sufficient to recover. However, if the pain temporarily improves and worsens repeatedly, most patients take it lightly and neglect it. In this case, you need to visit the dentist to check. 



How many times is the tooth cleaning cycle?


As for the result, it can all be different depending on the patient's oral condition.

For patients who accumulate tartar more easily than other due to their usual habits or dental structure, it is better to receive more frequently. It is better to be managed. However, you can keep your teeth healthy by consulting with your dentist to find a dental cleaning cycle that suits you.