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Why Adult Braces (orthodontic treatment) Are Important _Seoul The role of teeth is varied, the masticatory function of chewing, swallowing, and digesting food in the diet is necessary daily. Even in term of appearance, neat teeth, are necessary for a neat and tidy impression. In fact, teeth are important both in terms of aesthetics and functionality, so if a tooth is damaged, it cannot be restored, so you need to take better care of your teeth. If taken ca.. 2021. 12. 28.
Orthodontic treatment English service provided at Gangnam dental Orthodontic treatment is one of many dental treatments that requires a long time to see good results. In addition, there are many patients who are reluctant to receive treatment because they feel the burden of seeing orthodontic devices to others after they become adults. However, it can be a good opportunity for those who have been delaying treatment at a time when they can go anywhere without .. 2021. 11. 16.
Lingual Braces at Gangnam Seoul Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic A lingual brace is a method in which devices are attached to the back of the teeth rather than the front, where the tongue touches. It is a method that reduce a lot of inconvenience while maintaining strong tension by leaving the parts and structure of the device as it is, but changing only the place where it is attached. The most striking thing is the external part, which is hardly noticeable, .. 2021. 11. 1.
Braces for gap or space teeth Concerning of your front gap or space teeth? Many people who come to orthodontic dental clinic have overlapped teeth like snaggletooth's. However, some people visit the dentist because they do not like the gap between their teeth aesthetically. Front teeth opening usually occurs in the front teeth. Because the teeth are open in the middle, they stand out more on the outside and pay attention. Th.. 2021. 10. 19.