전체 글 61

Why Adult Braces (orthodontic treatment) Are Important _Seoul

The role of teeth is varied, the masticatory function of chewing, swallowing, and digesting food in the diet is necessary daily. Even in term of appearance, neat teeth, are necessary for a neat and tidy impression. In fact, teeth are important both in terms of aesthetics and functionality, so if a tooth is damaged, it cannot be restored, so you need to take better care of your teeth. If taken ca..

Which braces and orthodontic device is suit for me? Gangnam Dental

What is dental orthodontic? This is a dental treatment method that uses some orthodontic devices to correct crooked teeth. The key to orthodontic treatment is restoration of tooth function, and if this is not taken into account, gum weakness or other side effects may occur after orthodontic treatment. Through orthodontic treatment, problems such as malocclusion and protruding mouth can be improv..