englishdental34 Looking for dental clinic in Korea provide service in English? Looking for dental clinic in Korea provide service in English Is it hard to find the right dental clinic for your case, especially who speaks in English? I used to live in abroad and I face some trouble since I was not fluent in their languge. Speak in medical term and understanding expert term is not easy. Also, I was bit afraid that if they overcharge me because I do not speak their language. .. 2021. 10. 5. Do braces painful or hurts? Do braces hurts or cause a lot of pain? Some people want to improve their teeth straight, but afraid of getting braces because of the pain. Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic located at Gangnam will explain to you about the answer today. Even if you correct your teeth with the same braces device, people react differently to the pain. Some people say that they are fine when they have braces, while others.. 2021. 10. 4. Dental implant fill in the empty space of the teeth Gangnam Dental Clinic, fill in your empty space of the teeth_implant -Loss of teeth can lead to bigger problem if left unattended -During the dental implant, need to be careful about nerve damage Molar, which are used of 100 of times a day, have the closest relationship to tooth decay, gum disease, and oral disease. Therefore, the possibility of loss in high, so not only elderly but also young p.. 2021. 9. 30. Check list before you find dental clinic in Gangnam Simple check list before you find the right dental clinic in Korea. - Is the medical staff experienced a lot? - Does dental clinic have a variety of high tech equipment? - Do they explain to you very detail about your treatment? You should choose dental clinic very carefully in Korea. If oral hygiene is not properly managed, dental plaque and tartar will continue to accumulate. Dental plaque and.. 2021. 9. 27. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 다음